let there be art...

let there be art...

Monday, February 23, 2015

to those that support you ...

As an artist it is a constant struggle be stay ahead of new trends and have something new and different up your sleeve and to never loose faith in your ability to  change the world in your small way ... and one tend to loos site of how one needs to inspire others  by being true to yourself ... and when you do loose sight of your dreams there are some loyal supporters to bring you back on track than sees in you what you fail to see yourself... and i thank you kindly for that Pieter & Lizl  hope you love your new commissioned works i did for you this year    Love Mea

Monti Casino what a blessing it was to me as an artist

remembering how good Monticasino was to me ... 2011 to 2013 sold 283 paintings there over weekends as a street artist ... it was the best times and met the greatest people from all over the world that took my paintings home as a reminder of the tuscan ambiance there... truly amassing times  ... to much to be thankfull for ..this is also a self potrait that i sold in this time to a total stranger. how blessed i felt